Just Bee
Collaborations include:
- Beautiful Constellations with Michelle King and Kim Moses was born out of a gathering of hearts to hold the questions: Why healing? Why now? What needs to be healed?
Through the Climate Healing Incubator funded by the Heinz Endowments *thank you*, we gathered, broke bread, had thought experiments, and offered a place for others to share their thoughts about healing by sharing our journey.
This manifested as a visual mapping called Beautiful Constellations Mapping and an open invitation for others to explore, offer their contribution in connecting the pieces, and leave their thoughts on healing in journals. This piece was exhibited at SPACE gallery in downtown Pittsburgh in the We Are the Global Majority DECOLONIZING SPACE exhibition curated by the #notwhite collective.
- Channel an interactive exhibition about intergenerational communication curated by Sean Beauford, funded by The Pittsburgh Foundation *thank you* // MuseumLab – Pittsburgh, Pa 2019
- Create and Curate summer intensive, a 2 week summer camp for middle school students with Sean Beauford, funded by The Pittsburgh Foundation *thank you* // MuseumLab – Pittsburgh, Pa 2019
- Culinary Journey Around the World, a collaboration with the Children’s Museum’s Cafe Manager, Chuck, where we collaborated in pairing performing groups and new cuisines to the museum // Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh 2018-2019
- fragments, collaborated in the creation of an accumulative performance process that layers movement, sound, and mark making to build a textural landscape over the process of a day with slowdanger (Anna Thompson & Taylor Knight), Ru Emmons, David Bernabo, O’ryan the Omazing // Children’s Museum 2018
- Produced Rube Fest, opening weekend celebration for the “Rube Goldberg: The World of Hilarious Invention” exhibit. Collaborators included: O’Ryan the O’Mazing, slowdanger, Ru Emmons, Lee Robinson, Missy Moreno, Isaac Bower, Colin Pinto-Martin, Juan Fernandez in the production of the Idea Factory, Attack Theater, Willy James, The Climbing Wall, and Zero Fossil // Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh, 2018
Events I’ve participated in:
- Hazelwood Green Plaza Opening Day // Pittsburgh, Pa 2021
- International Night @ the Braddock Community Bread Oven in partnership with the Braddock Carnegie Library // Braddock, Pa, 2018
- Raw Draw, fundraiser for Neu Kirche // 2015 & 2016